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My name is Alyaz Ugalde, I am from Mexico and I am

a Mechanical Engineer, but I found my true passion in photography.

It all started with the arrival of my dog Maya, I wanted to take beautiful pictures of her as I saw them on the internet, and it was then when I realized that just pressing the shutter was not enough.

I learned the principles of photography and techniques by myself with blogs, books and videos on the web , and later in 2018 I took the online course of Professional Photography at the New York Institute of Photography
I recently moved to Halifax Canada, and started
the Professional Photography Course at the Nova Scotia Community College.


I do different genres, from portraits to landscapes, wildlife and macro, and lately I started doing astrophotography, but my specialty is pet photography, especially dogs, where I seek to capture the unique beauty of each dog and the wonderful moments they share with us, looking at the same time to raise awareness that they are also part of our families and

deserve the best.

I take my photos with the purpose of giving the people a beautiful moment to treasure and also that for a brief moment in their daily lives they see the wonders that surround them and that they may have never seen or perceived.

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